I recently have begun seriously praying for my future husband. As my biological clock seems to be ticking at a more rapid rate and louder and louder in my head I feel the need for God to take over. Part of me, if I am being totally honest, feels like I better pray for him because he obviously needs it so we can meet and get this show on the road. ;) The other part of me feels at such a loss as to what to do or not to do I feel like I need some help from the heavenly realm. And so a few weeks back I began to pray a novena (a 9 day prayer) for my husband. I chose to pray to St. Therese the Little Flower because I felt like I needed a "sign." Traditionally, when you are praying to St. Therese she sends you a rose some way to let you know that she is hearing your prayers and presenting them to the Lord. Well, sure enough my rose came. I went to my mailbox at school on the 7th day of the novena and there was a porcelain rose sitting in my mailbox. My friend had actually put it there as a joke. (She loves to place random "gifts" in my mailbox from time to time to make me laugh) What my friend didn't know though was that I was praying this novena at the time and she was a little messenger from above. It brought me hope to know that the Lord is hearing my prayers and that He will answer them when it is time.
A few days later though, I began to doubt. I have a tendency sometimes to over analyze and that is what was happening to me. Was I crazy? Was the rose just a coincidence? Well, a few days after I had finished the novena a new sign came in the mail. I had gotten home late from work one night and went to retrieve the mail, just as I always do once I walk in the door, and there was a magazine in the mail. It's not unusual for me to get a magazine in the mail, but this one was titled "Get Married." At first, I stopped and thought, who is playing a cruel joke on me? Or who thinks I am so pathetic that they ordered me a magazine to get me to "get out there?" But then, once I stopped thinking negatively, I wondered if perhaps this magazine was a sign from God that He truly is hearing my prayers. So, I paged through the magazine and for just a few minutes allowed myself to dream of my wedding day that will come one day. I chuckled to think that God can use anything to get our attention. A silly porcelain rose leftover from our school's rummage sale or a random magazine in the mail. He gave me the signs I needed to know He hadn't forgotten about me or my prayers.
As the LeAnn Rimes song "Somethings Gotta Give" depicts, sometimes our dreams don't always go how we imagine them to go and we are left wondering if we will be alone the rest of our lives, it's nice to have a little reminder that God is still on the throne and hears our prayers. My little "signs" have given me a new hope and a little more patience and endurance to wait on the Lord. I hope my future husband is feeling the blessing of my prayers and hopefully....hopefully sooner than later...he is getting ready to meet me too!