Sunday, February 27, 2011

You've Got A Friend....

When I went to bed last night I had a smile on my face and the same is true for when I woke up this morning.  You see last night I went to a dance being put on by a local Young Adult group and had an absolute blast!  It was a semi formal dance, and so all of the ladies were there in their finest and all the men were cleaned up in their suits and ties.  The mood was set, the disco ball was greased up and ready to do it's thing, the fondue was pouring, and most importantly the DJ was ready.  After a very quick review of the foxtrot, waltz, salsa, and swing dancing the night began!  I danced practically the entire night, and although my footsies are a bit sore this morning, every bit of the night was perfect!

Now the music was good, the decorations too, but I don't think that's what made the night such a success.  What made the night a success was all the great people there! A Chinese proverb says, "With true friends... even water drunk together is sweet enough. "  I think that sums up the fun I had last night.  The dance was in a simple church hall, but you wouldn't have known because the dance floor was full, the mood was light, and there was fun being had by everyone there.  And as I drove home late last night, I began to reminisce about the night.  I went through each face that I danced with, laughed with, and talked with and I was overcome with gratitude to know so many wonderful people.  Each friend brings something a little different to my life.  They are the bouquet of happiness for me.   My friends are the sweet aroma in my life! 

So, today my smile remains.  And that smile goes out to all of friends.  I know my life is so much more full and has a greater purpose because of all the people  in it. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I have found a topic that married people and single people can agree on....Valentine's Day.  Most married couples when asked about Valentine's Day will respond that it is "simply another day."  While most single people comment that it's "an annoying Hallmark holiday."   February 14th....the biggest day of love and pity as far as I am concerned.  For young couples in love and school children, this is a day to send Valentines, eat chocolate, and wear red.  Where many singles will remind you that Valentine's Day is simply a day to remind you (just in case you forgot) that you are still single....and everyone knows it. Regardless, I think both married couples and single people would be ok with the day going away and really being "just another day."

I would be lying if I acted as if this wasn't my attitude for most of my adult life.  Each Valentine's Day I would mope around, watch chick flicks that simply reiterated that I didn't have a love story like the one on the screen, and have a full blown pity party.  (Sounds really pathetic now that I put it in print.)  I felt like I walked around all day with a big S for "single" on my shirt.

This year though I have decided that I have given Valentine's Day way too much power over me.  Yes, just the other day I was telling my students that Valentine's Day with no Valentine isn't nearly as exciting with one, but focusing on what I don't have rather than what I do have is a thing of the past and so I am trying to look at 2/14 with a new resolve.  This made me want to stop and find out...just how did Valentine's Day begin in the first place?  And so I did a little research on the great St. Valentine.  Although, history isn't totally clear on the roots of this love filled day, we do know that there was a man named Valentine, a soldier in the Roman army, whose noble actions are the root of this day.  It seems that this day's original intentions were to spread love to those who mattered most in your life.  This day isn't just for love sick couples! ;)

So tomorrow when the world is once again saturated with red, pink, and chocolate I will be out there, too.  In the secret of my heart, a Valentine from an anonymous (or un-anonymous) admirer would be lovely, I hope to instead let those in my life who mean so much to me know that I love them and am thankful for the love I receive in return from them.  Again, this year for me is all about focusing on the "haves" and not the "have nots."   I hope that I can focus on the love I have in my life.  Love of family, friends, my students, and mostly the love given from Love Himself.

May all of you know love in your lives this Valentine's Day and every other day as well!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Take A Compliment

"A compliment is verbal sunshine" ~ Robert Orben

I've made an observation over the last few days...after receiving, giving, and observing compliments, I have come to the conclusion that they are a very uncomfortable thing for people to take.  It seems that most people when given a compliment usually do one of the following:

1. Deny, insult, or belittle the gift (and themselves) in order to not brag
2. Start rambling madly and change the subject as quickly as possible
3. Blush like crazy and act like nothing has been said

And it makes me wonder why is it that we as a people have such a difficult time accepting a compliment? Is it because we are afraid we will be seen as bragging or boastful?  Are we afraid to admit the good things about us?  Why is it so difficult to accept the fact that someone else sees something good in you?  Have compliments become tainted because so many people often give insincere compliments?

I don't have the answers to this question, but I have been working lately that when I do receive a compliment I simply smile and say thank you. I will admit...that's hard.  I am sure I still blush and even though I am secretly gloating inside at times,  I try to allow the person who's giving the compliment to know that I hear them and appreciate their kind words without insulting myself or others in order to ward off any pride I am afraid I might leak. 

I may be thinking too deeply (which happens from time to time) but part of me thinks it goes back to self love.  When we don't love ourselves or feel confident with ourselves, we don't know how to handle love and appreciation from someone else.  When we have trouble seeing the good in us, we don't trust the good that others see in us.  Maybe it comes from our woundedness that we each carry.  Perhaps a past hurt has interfered with seeing that we are a good friend or a good artist?  Who knows?  But I think as we become more comfortable in our skin...with who we really are to the core, we can take compliments from others and acknowledge all the good that is found in each of us.

So, I guess the moral of this story is the next time someone tells you that you are beautiful, talented, or caring just smile and say thank you and know that today you shined a little bit of light into someone else's world. :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snowed In

It only seems appropriate to me that I should write a blog about snow since for the last few days (weeks actually) all it seems to do is snow.   Now living in Michigan for my entire life, I should be used to the fact, I should love the snow, but the truth of the matter is, other than nostalgic purposes during Christmas time or for a free and unexpected day off of work, I really don't love snow.  So imagine my disappointment today when out of the blue, we got an additional 5 inches of snow to add to the 9 inches we received earlier this week that brought my Saturday night plans to a halt.  Instead of learning how to foxtrot with a group of friends across town, I ended up staying in for the night fearing that the roads would be too treacherous and a 30 minute drive would have inevitably turned into an hour circus.  Although my efforts to become the next Ginger Rogers have been thwarted by Mother Nature this time, I ended up having a very nice quiet day with even a few bright spots.
For the first time since this summer,  I was able to read a book from cover to cover.  I always forget how much I love to read until I actually have time to sit down and do it.  I love getting lost in the plot line of a 30 something woman and enjoying her adventure for just awhile.  I love to read things that aren't too serious and are a little mindless, such a change from the day to day.  I also used today's snow as a great excuse to take a nap.  It was so nice to snuggle under my flannel sheets and enjoy a 45 minute nap while the snow gently fell outside.  My past few weeks have been insanely busy and it was nice to indulge in a cat nap.  Lastly, I bonded a little with my neighbors.  In fact, one of my neighbors shoveled part of my snow and my other neighbor and I shared pleasantries after 3 years of not muttering too much more than a "hi" until now. 
So, although the snow changed my plans for this Saturday night in February, I am thankful for the little blessings it did provide.  I love that just when I think I've figured something out in this world, a snowball is thrown my way and I end up with some unexpected blessings that remind me that there is Someone bigger than me orchestrating my path...and sometimes that means a little snow must fall. :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


My life lately is pretty darn good!  I am down 32 pounds since September. I've recently cleaned out every room and closet in my house and have begun painting.  I am working hard to fund raise for my upcoming trip to Rome and Madrid in August.  I have not one, but 2 trips to Florida in the next few months. I have learned to begin to love myself and accept myself for me, and I am mostly at peace with the fact that I am single. 

But despite all the good things going on in my life (and there are many more) today I find myself in a funk.  Today was a snow day, and we were supposed to get 12+ inches of snow, of which only 7 or so came, and normally a snow day is a very great thing for me, a teacher, but since I woke this morning I have been fighting a funk within.  I found myself wishing that I had a family to spend this snow day with and felt a little bit alone.  And as I allowed myself to dwell on that I noticed my pity party slowly beginning to form.  Poor me...

Now I've made the conscious effort to quit dwelling on the have not and to focus on the haves, but I would be lying if I said, I have completely turned my mood around.  I think I realize two things today: One, even when life is really good, we are going to have bad days and Two: It's important to not dwell in misery and instead to choose to fight it.  I know tomorrow morning when I wake up it is going to be a new day and I will once again have a lot to be thankful for and I also know that watching depressing movies or listening to solemn ballads is not going to make anything better. 

And as I was finally taking a hot shower this afternoon, I heard in the whispers of my heart the Lord speak to me through my favorite verse of scripture (paraphrased) "Erin, remember the plans that I have for you.  Plans for welfare, not for woe.  All you need to do is keep coming to me and I will change your lot." (Jeremiah 29:11-13a)  I am reminded that in our weakness, He makes us strong.  And as The Shirelles put it so perfectly, "Mama said there'd be days like this,"  but it's up to me to fight the pity party, put my hand in the Lord's and trust that the "Sun will come out tomorrow."