One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about the friendship between King David and Jonathon. When Jonathon spares David's life from his father Saul's snare they share a brief and honest moment of deep friendship in 1 Samuel 20: 40 (The Message):
Jonathan gave his quiver and bow to the boy and sent him back to town. After the servant was gone, David got up from his hiding place beside the boulder, then fell on his face to the ground—three times prostrating himself! And then they kissed one another and wept, friend over friend, David weeping especially hard. Jonathan said, "Go in peace! The two of us have vowed friendship in God's name, saying, 'God will be the bond between me and you, and between my children and your children forever!'"
I love this passage because it shows true friendship. Sometimes the friends in our lives are often as close, or closer, than our own families. I can think of so many good friends that I have shared moments like this with and how important my friends are. Lately though, I have been keenly aware of friends of mine who truly live out this type of love and friendship. I have a few friends, both male and female, who stir up the same emotion in me that was stirred up in both Jonathon and David. These friends encourage me in my struggles, validate me in my triumphs, and call me out when I need it too! They give honest, loving advice, listen to what I have to say, and help me to see the real me in so many ways. And hopefully, I reciprocate that friendship in return.
You see, I think the story of Jonathon and David is included in the Bible to highlight the importance of friendship. I think it's an honest look at fierce, deep friendship. We also see that friendship between Jesus and Lazarus when he weeps when his friend dies. These relationships are real and so, so important! We need at least a good friend or two in our lives. I call myself blessed to say that I have several friends that fit the bill.
As a single person, these relationships are even more important. When battling the loneliness and depression that often are crosses in a single person's life, it is so helpful to have good people to fall back on. People who are willing to lift you up in prayer, hold your hand, and make you laugh at all the right times. Having good friends often gets you out of the house and helps you to experience life in a much richer and fuller way. And so that's my prayer for you today. I pray that you know the love of a good friend and are able to cherish the friendships you have. I know I do!