Some of you may have heard some rumblings of an unimaginable event happening in a week. But let me put all rumors to rest, it's true, I am participating in my first 5K a week from today. Now before you get too amazed, it's a 5K run/walk, of which mine will probably be more of a walk than a run. ;) But yesterday as I was preparing at the gym with my sister-in-law, I kept thinking, "If Mr. Supric (my old gym teacher) could see me now." Here I was on the treadmill walking 3.2 miles with 3 minutes jog sets thrown in there and I was amazed. Who would've thunk? Athletics have never been my strong suit and my battles with my weight certainly didn't help. But here I was, 35 lbs lighter than when I began this blog 8 months ago, running my little heart out at the gym on a Saturday morning.
Now even to the secular world, my journey is some what admirable. I mean when obesity is at alarming rates and shows like the "Biggest Loser" and "I Used to be Fat" are blaring the important message that being fat kills, anyone who is losing weight and learning to exercise is a success in our world's eyes. Believe me, I couldn't agree more, but I believe that my journey is so much more a spiritual success than a secular one. You see, although I am the one who at the end of the day is controlling what food I put in my mouth and how much activity I partake in, it's really God who is laying out the path on this. (He's like that....likes to orchestrate these awe inspiring plans for each of our lives.) So for me, I realize more and more each day that my journey is exactly the one that God has planned for me.
I believe our successes are truly measured by when we allow God to take us places we've never been before. You may be thinking, "What does a 5k have to do with God?" My response to you would be, "Everything." For me it's a 5k, for you it might be a new job, a vacation you never thought was possible, or starting a Bible Study. True faith is allowing God to take us places we never imagined in our realm of possibility. As scripture reminds us in Matthew 19:26, "With men this is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible." (emphasis is mine) A 5k for me would've been 100% impossible, I don't naturally have the talent, the courage, or the dedication, but God keeps laying these things before me and asking me to trust Him. Because at the end of the day it's not really about the 5k at all, it's about God teaching me about Himself and myself. He is using this journey of losing weight to show me so many things about myself and others in my life. He is showing me truly what I am capable of if I put my hand in His and trust Him to get me through. He reminds me that "If God called me to it, He will get me through it."
So my challenge to all of you today is this, do you trust God enough to take you to places you never thought were possible? Ask Him to take you there. Ask Him to shed light on the path He has set before you and is just waiting for you to take the plunge. The path may be a little scary at first, it might take some perseverance and sacrifice, but remember that if God is calling you to it, He will certainly get you through it. In 3 days, we Catholics will begin the holy season of Lent. What a great time to reflect on your openness to God's plans and to offer these next 40 days as a time to explore just exactly what it is that He is calling you to. You might just be amazed to see what you can accomplish with God's helping hand!
When I cross the finish line one week from today, I know I will be completing another step along the path that God has set for me. I am so thankful that He loves me enough to not allow me to remain complacent or stagnate. I can't wait to see what's up next? A marathon? (Well, let's not get crazy.... Right? God? Right?) ;)
Go Erin! I have always wanted to be a runner and do a are inspiring!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kara, I never wanted to be a runner, but here I am! I have to say, I enjoy it more than I ever thought I would. :)