Today in the Catholic church celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and as any good Catholic Parish does we closed the Mass with the famous hymn "Hail Holy Queen" Now, I may or maynot have shared with all of you my background but two things in my past; 1. A convert from the Assembly of God faith where dancing in the aisles is completely acceptable and 2. A theater/singer enthusist challenged me as the song began. You see, long before I was a Catholic and realized that this tune was a beautiful hymn to honor our Blessed Virgin Mary, it was first a song made famous in my life by none other than Whoopi Goldberg and the Sister Act cast. (Perhaps some of my earliest experiences in the Catholic church come from this movie, which may be a good or a bad thing) Anyways, today like every other time we sing this song I was once again tempted to shake my booty like Kathy Najimy (my doppelganger none the less) and sing my little heart out. And although I decided to refrain, lest I scare the conservative Catholics, I did leave Mass wearing a smile where there was earlier a mild scowl.
Wanna watch Whoopi? Click here!

I also was once again reminded that as we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption that not only is Mary, the Mother of the Lord, but she is also my mother. And in addition to that she is the ultimate example of how I am supposed to live my life. Although Mary was betrothed to Joseph, she understood how it was to be a single woman who was determined to remain pure and chaste for her Lord. Imagine the struggles she went through when the people of her town learned that she was pregnant and not yet married? She was certainly talked about at the well among all the women and scorned possibly by those who loved and knew her. She could've defended herself or shared her secret, but instead she quietly accepted God's will for her life and remained sinless. Sometimes, as a single woman I feel judged by those same women at the well. Yes, of course, the well is different and the venue may be a cell phone or email, but sometimes I wonder what people say about me and other singles. 31 and still not married? Maybe she's gay (I'm not, I promise) Maybe if she lost a few more pounds. (A never ending battle, right?) She's too picky...wanting to marry a Catholic. She needs to put herself out there more. (At the bar? Or singles club?)
Perhaps these are conversations I imagine in my head or maybe they really are happening. But regardless, I am reminded today by this feast day that I have been called to be a woman of God and follow the footsteps of my heavenly mother. Regardless of my understanding or desires, I am first and foremost a woman of God and I need to live my life that way.
"I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to Thy will...."
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