Amidst my funk, I was reminded that there are people in heaven on my side ready to intercede for me at anytime. Those people are of course the saints of heaven. This is a highly controversial subject in the Christian world....with many Protestants arguing praying to the saints is a form of idolatry. I, myself, even struggled with this idea when I came into the Church 6 years ago. The Bible is clear when it speaks of the ramifications of idolatry. But I soon learned that having the saints pray for you is different than praying to the saints, in the way we pray to God. When times are hard or you need advice whom do you go to? You parents (moms especially) and your friends right? It's the same with asking the saints to pray for you. Except these saints, and the ultimate saint, Mary, the Mother of God, are in heaven that much closer to God. They have completed their time here on on earth and they are ready to intercede on our behalves and take those requests to the throne of God. Now does this mean that we ourselves can't pray directly to God....of course not! But it brings me much relief to know that not only am I going to God with my prayer request, but I have a whole team praying on my behalf. We see in Jesus's first miracle of turning the water into wine at the Wedding of Cana that He did so at His Mother's request. She took the need of the wedding party to her Son, where He then supplied a far superior wine than was even requested. Who doesn't want to keep mama happy?
So, today when I was struggling to keep a smile on my face I took a minute to look up the patron saint of single women. I read about St. Agatha, a woman who lost her life in order to remain pure before God. I was encouraged by her story. I found this prayer to her and said it knowing that today I have a special friend praying for me in heaven. Taking my prayers to the throne of God for me. And you know what that means? I am not as alone as I felt. That's why I love the Saints. They have "been here, done that" and they know exactly how I am feeling today and so my prayer isn't dull or mindless, rather something that resonates deep within their hearts.
Prayer to St. Agatha
Lord God, you showered heavenly gifts
on the virgin Agatha.
Hear the prayers of those who recall her devoted life
and who ask her to intercede for them in their necessity.
(Mention your intention here...)
Help us to imitate her virtue during our earthly life
and enjoy eternal happiness with her in heaven.
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