I thought that title would get your attention....
Webster's dictionary defines the word loser as follows:
Definition of LOSER
1: a person or thing that loses especially consistently
2: a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed; also : something doomed to fail or disappoint
No one wants to be a loser. We especially don't want to be losers when it comes to friends, paychecks, car keys, the Stock Market, board games, a bet, and most of all family. But as we all know the term "loser" has been given a make-over with the hit show "The Biggest Loser" In the beginning of September I shared that I was joining Weight Watchers in an effort to give my body the respect it deserves. Well, just about 6 weeks later I am down just over 13 lbs. It's a small step in the right direction, but it's been so worth it.
Now do not worry, my blog today isn't about me bragging about weight loss, rather it's about a gain that I have made in the last few weeks. By being a "loser" I have also made some great gains. The first is that I am starting to get back a confidence that I had lost. When you are feeding your body with junk, junk starts to rule the roost. Your clothes are snug, your favorite outfit doesn't look so swell anymore, and you just don't feel good about yourself. That was the point I was at 6 weeks ago, and although I have a long ways to go, I am realizing that I have added just a little bit of bounce back to my step. I also have gained some energy back. I notice that when I get home from work, I don't grab the first something for dinner and spend the rest of my evening vegging out in front of the TV. Yes, I still kick my feet up and relax, but I am noticing that I have a little more energy to do some cooking and other activities without feeling exhausted. And I finally feel that I have control over my food and it doesn't control me. I enjoy the challenge of "Eating This, Not That" and finding foods I like to eat and satisfy me.
Well, what I began to realize today is how important this is for a single person. Yes, my health is improving and I am shedding some very necessary pounds, but more importantly I feel good about myself. That is so important for singles to feel good and love ourselves. When you are feeling good about yourself, wearing clothes that make you feel good, and having some good energy then you give that vibe off to everyone you come into contact with. And so that's my challenge for myself and for all of you out there. Maybe you don't need to lose weight (lucky you) but what is it that you need to do to feel good about yourself? Do you need a new haircut, new make-up, a hobby, exercise? What is it that is making you feel down in the dumps? We all want to date someone who makes us happy, who gives off positive vibes...don't you think Mr. or Mrs. Right is feeling the same about you?
My weight loss journey is still in the beginning stages, but I know that as I keep on this path my outlook is going to continue to get a little more positive (not to mention my health...) That is the best gift I can give my future spouse. The best me! :)
Ello Ern! Er, I mean, "Hello Erin!"