This past week I made a flippant post on my Facebook wall about an unnerving experience I had had that morning. So let's start there....On the way to school early one frigid morning my low tire pressure light came on. Now luck would have it that that morning I had worn a dress to school, but I couldn't risk a flat tire either, so I pulled over to put air into my tires, pantyhose and all. (Without any knowledge of how to use a tire guage, I might add.) As I was kneeling down at each tire, I happened to notice the men pumping gas looking on. (and that annoyed me!) Couldn't someone, anyone, offer to fill my tires for me??
Well, my post on Facebook caused a few conversations. One email came in from a male friend of mine explaining that he and others he knows have been told off because they offered help to a woman who felt insulted by their acts of chivalry. And when I read his email, I knew he had a point. Now maybe these men just didn't care, or maybe they were in a hurry, but maybe they were afraid I would be insulted by their offer? I think he is right though that many men are afraid to offer a hand to help because of the reaction they may get from the woman.
I wondered how we women got to the point where men are a threat? Now don't get me wrong, I am not so old fashioned that I think a woman's role in this world is to be barefoot, ignorant, and pregnant in the kitchen waiting hand and foot on her husband and children. I am glad that women have educated themselves and have made many advancements in the world. I believe as a woman I need to be able to react and respond without the help of a man, but also realize that it doesn't make me weak or a disappointment to my gender if I ask a man for help. I believe women should be educated and independent, but also accepting the fact that women are not men, and that's ok. In fact, that's wonderful!
Somewhere amidst the feminist movement women around the world have decided that women were weak and the lesser sex and we needed to take back the power. But I am here to argue that maybe we've given up some of the power. God knew what He was doing when He gave Adam a beautiful wife to make things complete and right in the world. He made women different from men, with different qualities such as the ability to nurture and console, but different is not less.
And men, you aren't totally off the hook here in my opinion! ;) Many of us women like to have the door held for us, we like it when you offer to help carry a heavy package, and offer to cover the bill from time to time. We love when you hold our hands and tell us we're pretty. So don't be afraid to be the man!
This may be a lot of thoughts for one little tire mishap, but I thought the topic was interesting. I am sure there are many opinions out there that oppose my more traditional take things, but I thought it was still worth sharing and reflecting on. I think God made both men and women to be beautiful sexes. Both have wonderful qualities and special gender roles. I think we need to see those different roles as just that...different and complimentary to one another, not one greater or worse.
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