Sunday, January 23, 2011

Out with the Old, In with the New

I have a confession to make.  There are a lot of really great things about me.  I am a good friend, a pretty good singer, and an OK cook.  But there is one thing (among many) that I am not good at.  I am not good at staying organized!  In fact...I am really bad at it.  I wouldn't call me or a hoarder or anything and there has some respect for my house and myself that I at least tried to return my house to order every week or two, but to be quite frank my house had one problem...too much stuff!  Shoes, books, clothes, holy cards, stationary, and decorations from the years had finally began to take over in my life.  And so this year when I made my New Year's Resolutions I decided that since I am already on the weight loss track and have begun exercising that my focus for this year would be to simplify and de-clutter my house.  So yesterday I asked my good friend  to come over and help me with the task.   We went through every room, every closet, every drawer, and simply got rid of lots of "stuff."  I mean why does one need 20 coffee mugs or 100 books?  How many purses do you need to keep in hopes of one day reusing them again knowing full well that when those new spring fashions come out you will picking out that perfect purse once again!  Just how many spatulas or measuring cups does it take to make a good cook?  Well, after a few trips to the dumpster, a nice donation to the Salvation Army, and a lot of elbow grease and Pinesol, this place is looking amazing!  I have cut the amount of "stuff" I have in at least half and my home is aesthetically pleasing and spic and span too!

This morning when I woke to an orderly house, I noticed a new peace about me too.  It's amazing that when you create an order in your surroundings it allows you to be peaceful as well.  For me, I have a problem of buying things that I think I might use.  "I am going to read this book this summer.. I think these shoes will go perfectly with this one outfit...$1 for a pack of cards?! Deal!"  And what happened is that I had a whole lot of "stuff" laying around that in reality was just that.  Stuff.  It served no real purpose for me or any real function, but it was one more "thing" I had. 

Now, I promise you that I am never going to be one of those people with an impeccable house, but for 2011 I am going to really strive to keep everything in order.  Keep up on those dishes and not allow the mail to take on a life of it's own.  As I have decided to take honor and pride in my body and image, I also am making the decision to take honor and pride in my home.  The process isn't complete yet...I will be looking at paint swatches over the next week, but for now, I am enjoying the house that is mine.  I am breathing a little easier today because when I look around I don't see disorganization and chaos, but rather order and beauty.  My surroundings are beginning to transform along with me!

Happy Sunday everyone!  May you know peace and order in your lives today too! :)

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