Friday, December 31, 2010

Reflections on 2010

Today, on this last day of 2010 (I still can't really believe it still...),  I felt it only appropriate to write one last blog entry for the year.  Twenty Ten.  Hmmm...where are the hovercrafts and robots that were depicted in my favorite Jetsons' episodes? 

But here we are...tomorrow will be the first day of 2011.  Twenty ten would probably be best described as the year I began to find the real me amidst all the people I was trying to be.  At 31 (a prime number I might note, which usually I find to be a little off...) I had an awakening to realize that I had lived the last 31 years trying to be who I thought everyone wanted me to be and I realized that it was time I took back that image and became the woman who lived inside of me whom God had created me to be.  I am still a work in progress, but I feel more liberated these days to be me.  I am learning with each day to love myself and others in my life for who I am and who they are. 

2010 was also a year of loss.  I lost my spiritual director and dear friend Diana to cancer as well as my Uncle Wayne.  Both were very difficult losses, but both encouraged me to "live like I was dying."  They both left a great impact on those who were fortunate to know them and that was an inspiration for me to do the same as I live the rest of my life out here on this earth.   This year was a loss as well because I have begun to lose weight with Weight Watchers again and seem to be more dedicated and inspired to stay on the weight loss track than ever.  I have learned to really enjoy working out and making good choices when it comes to eating.  As I shed some pounds I am losing some poor self esteem and gaining a new respect for myself and my hard work.  The weight loss track will take me a pretty good part of 2011 and maybe even into 2012, but with each pound loss I am making great gains. 

In 2010, I began my 9th year as a teacher.  Nine years at my school has been a journey.  Sometimes I question if I am really making an impact as a teacher, but every so often I get to see a glimpse of the Lord working through me through my students.  It doesn't seem real that I should be old enough to be a teacher for 9 years and out of high school for 13 years.  Time really does seem to fly. 

I am praying that 2011 will be a great year for me and for all of my readers.  Despite rising gas costs, a battered economy, war and turmoil in many parts of the world, and the difficulties in life we all face I feel hope knowing that God is still on the throne and He has my best interests at heart. 

Blessings and love to all of you for 2011!  May you know God's love for you and feel His presence in your life. :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Our Year

Every year about this time I say to my best friend, "I think this is going to be our year!" To which she usually replies, "You say that every year."  And she's right.  I do say that every year and I am not entirely sure what "our year" means exactly.  I have shared numerous times on here about my dreams and desires.  Maybe this is the year I am going to stick with my diet and exercise and not dread bathing suit season.  Maybe this is the year I will save enough money in my bank account that I won't worry about what would happen in an emergency or disaster.  Or perhaps this is the year that Prince Charming with sweep me off my feet and we will ride off into the sunset.  Who knows? 

In just a few days, the ball in New York will once again drop at the stroke of midnight, Auld Lang Syne will begin to play, and 2011 will have arrived.  We will all turn to one another and embrace with a hug, a kiss, or clanking of our champagne glasses.  And for the next day millions of Americans will begin the formulation of our New Year's Resolutions. 
Now I've read the data, you've read the articles, and we've all failed at them, and yet we all make New Year's resolutions of some sort.  Losing weight, saving money, cutting up credit cards, quitting smoking, drinking less, working out, finding love...we all make them.  And some scoff at the idea because they know what the result is going to be.  So why do we put ourselves through the agony of setting ourselves up to fail?

I think that reason is Hope.  I think I tell my best friend that this year is "our year" each year because each year I have hope that this year is going to be better than the last year.  I think we make these resolutions because we all have hope that we are going to be better people.  And I think that's not a bad thing at all.  Yes, we may fail, but will we be a little better off?  I would rather live with the hope of becoming a better me than accepting my life as it is now and never changing those things that need changing.  

Actor Josh Hartnett said, "Hope is the most exciting thing in life and if you honestly believe that love is out there, it will come. And even if it doesn't come straight away there is still that chance all through your life that it will.”    You might not be hoping for love, but maybe you are hoping for that new job or the strength to kick a bad habit.  We know all too well that God's timing is not our timing, but we can continue to have hope in the storms that something good is on the horizon.  We can have hope that eventually God will answer our prayers at the most perfect time.  In a world full of heartache and struggle, I think it's time to embrace the hope the lives within each of us.

So this year as all of you sit down to begin writing your resolutions, do not be afraid.  Embrace the hope that this year is going to be YOUR YEAR!  This is the year you are going to make a change!  You might fail, you might stumble, but you can hold on to the hope that tomorrow is going to be a better day!  Albert Einstein said it best, " Learn from yesterday, Live for today, and Hope for tomorrow!"

Monday, December 27, 2010

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas....

This year, my very dear friend shared with me her favorite Christmas Carol, "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."  She said she chokes up every time she hears it.  I never really thought of it or paid much attention to the words so I listened to my iTunes.  The lyrics go like this (just in case you are like me and never really paid attention):

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas – lyrics

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on,
our troubles will be out of sight

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
our troubles will be miles away.

Here we are as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more.

Through the years
We all will be together,
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.

And have yourself A merry little Christmas now.

She shared that with me about a week before Christmas and it stuck with me.   I think that's what I like the best about Christmas.  For just a bit we all stop and embrace the Christmas Spirit.  We open our hearts and hands a little wider and forget about the many troubles that each of us face in our daily lives.  For a few days differences are forgotten, truces are agreed upon, and love is given freely. 

I am ashamed to admit though that this hasn't always been my focus.  Yes, I've always loved the holidays.  Presents under the tree, cookies baking in the oven, and parties galore.  All of those things have always been so enjoyable for me, but for the last few years I haven't let the joy of the Season be my focus.  I focused more on what was missing in my life.  And by missing I mean a husband and a family.  Each Thanksgiving I would begin my Bridget Jones "All by Myself" act.  To see what I mean check out this clip to give you a full picture. ;)  I would tell my married friends and family that this was a hard time of year for me...that being single at the  But another good friend of mine said to me recently..."Erin, you've gotta let it go.  You think of nothing else and you've got to let God be in control."   I realized that I was so hyper focused on the fact that I was alone at the holidays that I missed out on a lot of the little joys of the season.

And so with these simple reminders I made a decision to simplify this Christmas, worry less about the gifts and more about the time spent with the people in my life.  I realized quickly just how many great and wonderful people I have in my life.   When I changed my focus I realized I really wasn't alone at all.  I have two loving parents, my brother and his family, and numerous wonderful friends.  My heart was lighter and I enjoyed a new perspective of the holidays. 

I learned that sometimes our focus gets a little off.  My fixation with being alone made me miss the truth.  The truth that I am surrounded by many loving and caring people.  My hopes of meeting someone remain, and God keeps reminding me in little ways that He indeed has a plan.  But this holiday season I am choosing to focus on the present...the people in my life now.  And oh, how blessed I truly am!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I recently have begun seriously praying for my future husband.  As my biological clock seems to be ticking at a more rapid rate and louder and louder in my head I feel the need for God to take over.  Part of me, if I am being totally honest, feels like I better pray for him because he obviously needs it so we can meet and get this show on the road. ;)   The other part of me feels at such a loss as to what to do or not to do I feel like I need some help from the heavenly realm.  And so a few weeks back I began to pray a novena (a 9 day prayer) for my husband.  I chose to pray to St. Therese the Little Flower because I felt like I needed a "sign."  Traditionally, when you are praying to St. Therese she sends you a rose some way to let you know that she is hearing your prayers and presenting them to the Lord.  Well, sure enough my rose came.  I went to my mailbox at school on the 7th day of the novena and there was a porcelain rose sitting in my mailbox.  My friend had actually put it there as a joke. (She loves to place random "gifts" in my mailbox from time to time to make me laugh)  What my friend didn't know though was that I was praying this novena at the time and she was a little messenger from above.   It brought me hope to know that the Lord is hearing my prayers and that He will answer them when it is time.
A few days later though, I began to doubt.  I have a tendency sometimes to over analyze and that is what was happening to me.  Was I crazy?  Was the rose just a coincidence? Well, a few days after I had finished the novena a new sign came in the mail.  I had gotten home late from work one night and went to retrieve the mail, just as I always do once I walk in the door, and there was a magazine in the mail.  It's not unusual for me to get a magazine in the mail, but this one was titled "Get Married."  At first, I stopped and thought, who is playing a cruel joke on me?  Or who thinks I am so pathetic that they ordered me a magazine to get me to "get out there?"  But then, once I stopped thinking negatively, I wondered if perhaps this magazine was a sign from God that He truly is hearing my prayers.  So, I paged through the magazine and for just a few minutes allowed myself to dream of my wedding day that will come one day.  I chuckled to think that God can use anything to get our attention.  A silly porcelain rose leftover from our school's rummage sale or a random magazine in the mail.  He gave me the signs I needed to know He hadn't forgotten about me or my prayers.
As the LeAnn Rimes song "Somethings Gotta Give" depicts, sometimes our dreams don't always go how we imagine them to go and we are left wondering if we will be alone the rest of our lives, it's nice to have a little reminder that God is still on the throne and hears our prayers.  My little "signs" have given me a new hope and a little more patience and endurance to wait on the Lord.  I hope my future husband is feeling the blessing of my prayers and hopefully....hopefully sooner than later...he is getting ready to meet me too!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I thought that title would get your attention....

Webster's dictionary defines the word loser as follows:

Definition of LOSER

1: a person or thing that loses especially consistently
2: a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed; also : something doomed to fail or disappoint
No one wants to be a loser.  We especially don't want to be losers when it comes to friends, paychecks, car keys, the Stock Market, board games, a bet, and most of all family.  But as we all know the term "loser" has been given a make-over with the hit show "The Biggest Loser"  In the beginning of September I shared that I was joining Weight Watchers in an effort to give my body the respect it deserves.  Well, just about 6 weeks later I am down just over 13 lbs.   It's a small step in the right direction, but it's been so worth it. 
Now do not worry, my blog today isn't about me bragging about weight loss, rather it's about a gain that I have made in the last few weeks.  By being a "loser" I have also made some great gains.  The first is that I am starting to get back a confidence that I had lost.  When you are feeding your body with junk, junk starts to rule the roost.  Your clothes are snug, your favorite outfit doesn't look so swell anymore, and you just don't feel good about yourself.  That was the point I was at 6 weeks ago, and although I have  a long ways to go, I am realizing that I have added just a little bit of bounce back to my step.  I also have gained some energy back.  I notice that when I get home from work, I don't grab the first something for dinner and spend the rest of my evening vegging out in front of the TV.  Yes, I still kick my feet up and relax, but I am noticing that I have a little more energy to do some cooking and other activities without feeling exhausted. And I finally feel that I have control over my food and it doesn't control me.  I enjoy the challenge of "Eating This, Not That" and finding foods I like to eat and satisfy me.
Well, what I began to realize today is how important this is for a single person.  Yes, my health is improving and I am shedding some very necessary pounds, but more importantly I feel good about myself.  That is so important for singles to feel good and love ourselves.  When you are feeling good about yourself, wearing clothes that make you feel good, and having some good energy then you give that vibe off to everyone you come into contact with.  And so that's my challenge for myself and for all of you out there.  Maybe you don't need to lose weight (lucky you) but what is it that you need to do to feel good about yourself?  Do you need a new haircut, new make-up, a hobby, exercise?  What is it that is making you feel down in the dumps?  We all want to date someone who makes us happy, who gives off positive vibes...don't you think Mr. or Mrs. Right is feeling the same about you?
My weight loss journey is still in the beginning stages, but I know that as I keep on this path my outlook is going to continue to get a little more positive (not to mention my health...) That is the best gift I can give my future spouse.  The best me! :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Marathon

Just about 2 weeks ago I had the privilege of watching my dear friend, Brett, run the Detroit Marathon.  He had been training for months beforehand to prepare for this day and his wife, kids, our friends and myself had all geared up to cheer him to the finish.  A marathon is 26.2 miles and for some of us that are less than athletic that is an impossible fete, but Brett was ready!  And when he crossed the finish line 26.2 miles and just about 3.5 hours later we hugged and cried and celebrated his success. 

I was so impressed by Brett and the other runners.  What an accomplishment!  As I watched them run this scripture kept running through my mind.  " Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." Hebrews 12:1-3  This piece of scripture is so apropos for runners, but it's also a reminder for each of us.  As I type this I am home taking a mental health day.  Sometimes, life seems like a marathon that we are running.  I can relate how I am feeling today as Brett felt on mile 20 of the marathon as he ran on Belle Isle.  He shared that he felt that he no longer could run or even make his legs work.  As I left work yesterday, I kind of felt the same way.  But the second part of Brett's exhaustion is that just as he started to walk a fellow runner came up from behind and gave him a push and told him not to give up.   To keep on running.
That's the same for us.  We need to keep running our race.  But I am reminded that I am unable to run my "race" if I am not preparing for the race.  Lacking a real prayer life lately, I am seeing how necessary that is in my life.  It is difficult to continue the christian walk if I am not united to the One who created me to run this race.  Frequent communion with our Lord is imperative to this walk.  It would be impossible for me to run a marathon currently because I am in no physical shape to do so.  I haven't been preparing.  It's also impossible for me to continue on my race if I am not spiritually preparing. 
The second realization I have had though is just like the guy that gave Brett his push to keep persevering, I too need people in my life who give me those spiritual pep talks.  I am lucky to have several, but certainly my friend Gail is always there to pick me up when I am down.  God reminds us that we need to continue on the race and not allow our sins or failures to deter us from that.  I am reminded of the support system that is necessary for running this race. 
And if I continue to run this race and persevere, I know one day, I too will cross the finish line into eternal life.  So, I will take this day to get a recharge both physically and spiritually and then get back on the path and continue my race. 
(Thanks for the inspiration, B.  xo)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Spinning Tires

There are certain seasons in our lives that we feel (or at least I do) that we are spinning our tires.  Running, running, running....and yet not getting anywhere.  Exhausted, frustrated, and stressed.  That's what it's been for me lately.  I feel like a marathon runner running and running wondering when the finish line is going to come into sight.  Sometimes  I wonder just where it is I am running to and if I am ever going to make it there. 

So today when I got home after a moment of frustration and a mild pity party, I was reminded of something I had shared in my 8th grade Religion class earlier today.  I had had the kids do a 2 week Bible Study to just get a feel for different books of the Bible and I shared some of my favorites.  I shared with them some of the funny things in the Bible like the She-bears in 2 Kings 2:23-25  and Paul calling the Galatians stupid in Galatians 3:1.  We had a good laugh and then I shared my favorite verse to go to when I need a reminder from the Lord.  Jeremiah 29:11-14a.:  

"11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity."

I shared this almost automatically with my class and it wasn't until about 8 hours and one (OK... two) good cries later that those words came back to me.  The Lord has a plan for me and it's a plan full of hope.  All He asks is that I come to Him prayerfully seeking His will with all of my heart.  And I realized that I have lost sight of that lately.  I am running and running and trying to produce results and I forgot who is the leader of my ship.  I have once again taken the captain's chair and didn't allow the Lord to guide me. 

I am so ready for the "next thing" in my life.  A husband, 2.5 kids, and a white picket fence are the fiercest desires of my heart.  But for some reason, God has me where I am in my life now.  I need to trust that.  I need to trust His plan and open my heart to His will.  I will continue to bring this prayer to His attention and listen for His promptings in the next step, but I need to abandon my need to control situations and instead trust in the word I claim as my consolation.  In fact the Lord asked me just that when I prayed a Chaplet of Divine Mercy.  As I prayed the words, "Jesus, I trust in you..." I heard the Lord ask in the quiet of my heart, "Do you?" 

So it's time for me to put on the brakes for a minute, get out my road map to life (God's word), and reassess the path I am on.  And after some time of seeking and praying I am going to allow the Lord to guide me once again to the path that He has laid for me.  I think I will consider the passenger seat for awhile and take in the sights and sounds of the current day. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Breath of Fresh Air

A while back I shared with you that I am working on treating my body with the respect it deserves as part of God's great creation.  I have been on Weight Watchers for the last month now trying to do just that.  For the first couple weeks the scale was showing great results, but last week I only lost 0.4lbs and I was totally bummed.  I had followed program and not cheated, not even on the Elephant Ears and corn dogs that tempted me at a local craft fair I was in for an entire weekend.  I was good and yet the scale barely budged.  And so last Monday I had to take a look at what I was doing to help my body shed the extra pounds that desperately need to be lost.  I realized that like it or not it was time for me to add some exercise into my days.  So for the last few days, I have donned my walking shoes, stretch pants, and my iPod and hit the streets.  You see, I am one of those people who look at people who run for fun and question their sanity?  Let's just say exercise is not the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of fun things to do.  But with what happens to women in their 30's is they don't lose weight as easily and so I needed to help my body along. 

Well, you are not going to believe this, but it really felt good!  I have walked for the past few days and I am finding it very rewarding...I am even jogging for small (very small) increments.  And although my body is a little sore, I am looking forward to getting back out there each and every day. 

What I am realizing though is although I love that it's good for my body and the scale has finally started to move in the right direction, I love more that it's 30 mins each day that is totally mine...well mine and God's.  My life feels really hectic these days and my prayer life has suffered greatly because of that.  Long days, too many commitments, and a household to run has really put a road block in my prayer time.  But when I am out walking, with my iPod often playing praise and worship music I feel so close to God in these moments.  I am able to think and talk and pray in my own little bubble that no one else gets to enter.  I am able to breathe in the cleansing air He created and soak up a few rays of His sunshine.  It has been a total turn around for me.  My mind is clear, my spirit is positive, and life seems just a little more doable. 

And so while the weather is cooperating for the next few weeks I am planning on really taking advantage of it and getting out there.  It's a beautiful time of year with wonderful colors and cool mornings and nights.  And who knows, I may even continue on into the winter months walking with my mittens and hat!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fitting it All In!

Hello my dear blog probably thought I forgot about all of you, but I didn't!  I just seems that my life has gone topsy turvy these days!!  As much as I love fall, I also forgot that it's an extremely busy time of year for add to that all the fundraising and extra tutoring and work I am doing to pay for my trip to Rome and Madrid and we have total upheaval.  My house is in need of some serious TLC and my grading stack never gets fully graded.   And so after 2 really bad days this week I realized I need a few things in my life....a little fun, a little organization, and a little rest.  I hope to get all of them this coming weekend.  Hopefully, I will get a chance to really blog too!! 

Happy Fall Y'all!! :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Get Out There!

Lately, I have noticed something...I have spent too much time at home.  Being sick, trying to build my stamina back up to work 10 hour days 5 days a week, and family in town has left me home more days than I am usually accustomed to.  What happens to me when I sit home too often is that my arch enemy loneliness once again begins to creep into my mind with his good friend depression.  I was then reminded of what I read in quite a few places lately and that is GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE!  Besides online dating, you are not going to meet someone sitting at home in your pj's watching TV. 

Secondary to that thought, I also was reminiscing on how much I love Fall.  It is by far my favorite time of year.  The colors, the cooler temperatures, jeans and sweaters, and let's not forget candy corn! Throw in apples, pumpkins, and football and you have the most beautiful and fun time of year. 

And so with all of that being said, it brings me to today's post.  Erin's List of Ways to Get Out There This Fall:

1. Do you have work to do?  Check up on your Facebook or email?  Consider going to your local coffee house or bookstore instead of doing it at home.  Especially these days when the temps are a bit cooler and a warm cup of joe can certainly warm your bones and soul.  Try a pumpkin chai or carmel capp.  Embrace all the special flavors of the season.  (You can even treat yourself to some pumpkin pie or apple crisp)  Who knows who you may just bump into while out?

2. Catch a game! Fall wouldn't be Fall without football.  Whether it's the pros, college ball, or a local high school game watching a football game while sipping on a coffee or cold beer (probably not at the high school game though....) is a great way to have some fun!  A good game builds excitement and allows you to jump up and down just for the fun of it! (Plus ladies, most guys love a good football game)  ;)

3. Take in the colors.  Living in the Midwest makes us especially lucky to have an opportunity to see the beautiful colors of Fall.  Consider taking a drive in the country or taking a walk at the local park or hiking trail.  One of God's watercolors there right before our eyes.

4. Fresh apple cider, doughnuts, and crunchy apples.  All of these things found at your local apple orchard.  Again, living in the Midwest we are blessed with a variety of apple orchards and pumpkin patches.  Both offer a festive atmosphere and plenty of opportunities to satisfy those taste buds.  Consider buying some apples or pumpkins to create some savory fall dishes.  The possibilities are endless.  Take a hay ride while you're there!

5.  Check out the local scene!  Lots of festivals and community events start up again in the fall.  The same with local Adult Ed classes.  Interested in pottery, photography, or pilates?  There is a class waiting for you.  Street Fairs and craft shows also offer some great fall entertainment and opportunities to begin buying those Christmas presents.  (Just under 3 months of shopping time left ya know?!)

Anyways, those are just some of my ideas...the idea is in the title: Get Out There!  Whether it's grabbing a bite to eat with a friend, a drink with coworkers, or a play at the local theater.  Being single doesn't mean sitting at home...while you've got a life style with fewer strings attached, take an opportunity to get out there and experience the world. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Standing Room Only

Since July of 2009, so just over a year to date, I have been to 7 funerals of close friends and family.  One of the problems of having friends of all ages is that friends die earlier than you are ready for them to.   And then recently, a dear friend of mine's mom had a brain aneurysm and is continuing her fight in the ICU (though making remarkable progress) and 2 local students with whom I have mutual friends were involved in a fatal accident on a local expressway and tomorrow their parents have to say good bye to their sons, who were just beginning their senior year in high school. 

And so my thoughts today are focused on losing loved ones...but more than that...they are about living.   As I sat at my uncle's funeral today and they played a slide show of his life I was taken back by all the memories we had shared over the years.  Weddings, camping, fishing, holidays...the list goes on, but I realize the importance of living.  Life has millions of experiences waiting to be had and I am once again reminded of the importance of living each day to it's fullest.  We often get caught up in the monotony of the day to day.  Work, school, errands, laundry, home....and we sometimes forget to stop and smell the roses.  We sometimes forget the call to not only live life, but to go through life loving and sharing our lives with others.  Sprinkling a little piece of ourselves to everyone we meet.  There is a quote that says "Live your life so that there's standing room only at your funeral."  I think that quote  has nothing to do with popularity and everything to do with living and loving.  If this past year of loss has taught be anything about life it is to live each day to it's fullest and to love those around you to your fullest as well.   And so my simple words today to all of you is to do this: tell those you love that you love them...don't assume they already know, experience the world out there...find something new to see or do, and don't forget to stop each day and thank God for this day (even on those days that seem difficult or hard)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never Forget....

We will never forget....September 11, 2001, a day that for my generation we will never forget.  Much like Pearl Harbor, it's a day that will go down in infamy as we reflect upon the terrorist attacks on US soil for the first time in over 50 years.  I remember, as I am sure all of you do, exactly where I was and what I was doing.  I had just began my student teaching in Monroe and was just beginning the day when we were informed of the attacks.  Being only 22 at the time, I had never experienced anything of this nature. My world stopped that day for awhile and made me realize what a gift I have been given to live in this wonderful country.  Now 9 years later, I realize that I am still affected by the events of this day.  I think I grew up a little that day as I realized  that I have been blessed to live in this country. I also realized that people around this world begrudge me because of this freedom.  The price of this freedom is great, since there are so many people who have never experienced it.  And so on this day I am reminded to be grateful.  Grateful not only to live in such an awesome country, but grateful for all the blessings in my life.

Yesterday, I had taken my 8th grade class over for Adoration at the church and we were all reflecting on Mary's Magnificat. (Luke 1: 46-55)  I was teaching the kids how to pray with Scripture and so I told them to pay attention for something to kind of "pop out" at them.  Well, I did the same exercise while they were and the line that struck me was this, "The Mighty has done great things for me..."(vs. 49) The Lord then spoke to me about being grateful for all the things the Lord has blessed me with.  I have a tendency to look often at what I feel is missing from my life.  No husband, no kids of my own, little savings, etc....And the Lord showed me at that moment my 24 eighth graders sitting there.  My foster children for now.  And quickly my heart was reminded to be grateful for each and every one of them.  I continued to think on all the things I am blessed with.  A humble, but lovely home.  A car that runs and gets me to all the places I need to be. A job where I am able to impact the lives of children day in and out.  Family and friends who love me.

So today, I am making the choice to be grateful.  Grateful to be able to live in the United States of America, a land that I LOVE. I am grateful for the men and women who continue to fight on my behalf and keep us free and safe.  I am grateful for all the people in my life that have added to my life in some way or another.  Life isn't always easy, and maybe not even fair, but life is good because I am free to continue on loving and serving God and my country.

May God Bless America this day! We will never forget!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Pretty Package

Women each and every year spend millions of dollars on beauty products.  Women pluck, dye, cover up, conceal, and suck in all to create a beautiful package.  It's what women do!  Often though, women who are striving to live a chaste life often confuse being chaste with being frumpy.  Chastity is a virtue that we are all called to live out, married, single, dating,...we are called to live a chaste life.   But often our clothing takes two paths...too tight, too skimpy, too revealing OR boring, bland, frumpy. 

So what is the happy medium here?  How do you live a chaste life and still dress in a way that is attractive to men and makes you feel good about yourself at the same time.    Dawn Eden, author of the book "The Thrill of the Chaste" devotes a whole chapter on dressing in a chaste manner.  I love that Eden doesn't merely suggest covering up and making sure your skin is covered, rather she talks about creating a beautifully mysterious package.  I am an advocate for beautiful packages.  I am one of those strange people who love to wrap presents and make them look beautiful under the tree.  There is something about a beautiful package under the tree that causes those who gaze upon is beauty to wonder, "I wonder what present is deserving of such beauty and care."  And that is what it is like for us.  As Dawn Eden makes the analogy to a gift wrapped present being torn open a bit to reveal it's contents takes away a little beauty from the package.  The same is true for us women.  We need to see our  bodies as a gift that God has given us to share as some point in the union of marriage with our husband.  God does not though ask us to cover ourselves completely or not to accessorize.  In fact, Eden would argue that we should always make an effort to showcase the beautiful present that we are.

I also was reflecting today as I was sharing with my students some of the images of the Church that we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit.  It made me ponder the fact that if my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit then just how am I treating it?  Am I giving it the love and care that it deserves?  Am I keeping a healthy lifestyle including my eating and exercising habits.  Being a woman who has always struggled with my weight I am constantly battling the bulge, but when I reflected on my body in this new mind set I realized it was time for me to make some changes. 

So, I have just decided to join Weight Watchers with a friend of mine and I am going to work on treating my body with the respect it deserves.  Good bye to my friends at the drive thru and TV time munchies.  So long Large Diet Cokes, and hello my mug of H2O.  I also am taking a look at my clothing styles.  Am I dressing in a way that I am presenting a beautiful package to match the beautiful me hiding inside?  Skipping my make up routine on a daily basis is no longer an option for I am the Temple of the Holy Spirit.  It's time for me to start treating myself with the respect I deserve.  I may never have a career in runway, and I am probably never going to be a size 2, but I am a beautiful creation of God and it's time I start treating myself that way.  Not to get the man, because then my actions would simply make me a sex object, but because I am worth it!

And so are you! :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

To Date or Not to Date...that is the Question?

A question has long been plaguing me over the last few years.  That question is this....should you date/marry someone who doesn't share your faith?  I have pondered that question many a days and I am not sure that I have yet to come up with the right answer. 

I have to be honest and say that my first instinct is that NO, you shouldn't date someone who doesn't share your faith with you.  As a faithful Catholic, my faith is the number one thing in my life that drives me soul and my livlihood.  My dreams and visions of my husband all include a beautiful wedding celebrated at our first Mass as husband and wife and then continuing on each and every Sunday.  I dream of praying with my husband and praising God in the good things and falling to our knees in the bad.    But as I have entered by 31st year, I am beginning to I asking too much?  Many would argue that I am. And although my initial reaction is to disagree, I sometimes find myself questioning my inclinations.

A friend of mine was recently sharing that her friend passed some advice along to me that I shouldn't limit my dating life to only Catholic men.  She shared a story that she and her husband had married and for 7 years (I think it was 7...) she went to church faithfully on her own while her husband stayed at home.  Eventually, he came into the church and they now raise their family as Catholics together.  My thoughts went two ways when I heard this....a) I am being too picky and I never know what God has in store and b) That is great that her husband eventually came into the church...but what if mine doesn't?  Do I really want to spend the rest of my life attending Mass alone on a weekly basis? 

I realize that I could evangelize my husband, but wouldn't it be better if we could evangelize together? I realize that dating devout Catholic men really narrows my playing field, but do I want to risk watering down my faith by dating outside of my faith? 

So my dear readers, I throw this out to all of you.  What do you think?  Married couples? Single folks? Divorced folks?  What are your thoughts?  Help a poor girl out....;)

The Closet's All Mine!

In my efforts to embrace the single life I had been looking for some blogs to read that could inspire me in this quest.  I came across the blog Seraphic Singles in which the author, Dorothy Cummings, writes about being a single woman.  Dorothy, who married recently in her late 30's inspires many a readers with her witty tales and honest advice.    Dorothy is also the author of the book The Closet's All Mine which comes from her blog entries.  I had the pleasure of reading her book this summer. 

Cumming's book offers a refreshing insight to the single women (and men too) out there in a real manner.  Dorothy isn't a psychologist or counselor rather she is a real woman brave enough to be honest with how she as a woman has played the hand of cards she has been dealt in life.  Set up in a journal format the book is great for picking it up to read it one entry at a time or the whole thing at once.  It was a quick read and often had me laughing along with her tales.  I loved how the book was very relateable and not overly preachy, but still brought God into the picture in a natural way.   If you are looking for a light hearted, not too serious, book about embracing the single life then give this book a glance. 


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Many of you might be surprised that the title of this post is "Happy New Year!" but for teachers around the world this is indeed the start of a new year (a school year albeit, but a new year nonetheless.)  You will notice from the slow down in my recent posts that this is an extra busy part of my year!  People often question me on what it is that I have been doing these past 2 weeks to get ready for school!  The list is too exhaustive for this blog...but the work goes on and on....

But come Monday morning, it will be another school year for me and the students in my classroom.  Even as a kid this was always such an exciting time of year for me.  (Yes, I was one of those crazy kids that always wanted to go back to school.)  And so today I was thinking of a quote from one of my favorite movies, "You've Got Mail.  The quote goes like this, "Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address."  Although the context of this quote it a little different, the idea is the same.  I love this time of year.  I love buying school supplies and setting my classroom up with fresh posters and new ideas.  All those things that didn't go well last year don't matter this year because this is a new year! I think for as long as I live my mind will think in school years and not calendar years.  The fall is the new year for me. 

And so today I got to thinking about this idea of being a new year.  Yes, it's a new year in the classroom for me, but this can also be the start of the new year in my personal life too.  Some recent events in my personal have caused me to stop and really reflect on many aspects of my life.  Friends, family, work, singlehood, my spirituality, and just the day to day stuff.  And I began to think about the status quo.  Sometimes, I have a tendency to be a status quo kind of girl.  The idea if it's not broken, don't fix it!  But I am realizing the status quo is a very dangerous place to be.  The status quo often translates into stagnate, lifeless, and just plain boring. Kathleen Kelly, again from "You've Got Mail" says the following in the movie, "Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void." That quote sums it up so well.  Have I been brave? Or have I allowed fear to shape me into being status quo?  There is a very cliche song in the children's movie "High School Musical" about sticking to the status quo.  The groups of the high school don't want the members of each little social circle to venture out of their own circle.  If you are a do jock things.  If you are a do brainiac things. (You get the picture, right?)  Anyways, I realized that I had decided to just accept what I was and stick with that.  BUT in doing that...I stopped exploring and seeing what it is that is out there waiting to be explored.

So as I begin another new school year, with a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils and fancy bulletin boards, I am starting a new chapter in my life as well.  I hope this chapter is full of fun, adventure, love (maybe even a little romance?), learning, and stretching.  I am working to step out of my little status quo box and step into unexplored territory. 

I hope you will all come along on my adventure!?

Monday, August 23, 2010


Today the counter on my blog showed the number 500.  Meaning...since July 18th 500 people have stopped by my blog.  This brought a smile to my face.  I am really enjoying writing this blog and sharing the thoughts that resound in my head.  I have appreciated the wondeful feedback, kind letters, and stamps of approval from all of you! It is touching for me to hear from so many singles who are in my same situation, but in the same breath I am thankful for the married people who have also sent their encouraging words.

So to my readers....thanks!!!  I hope you continue to read on and tell others too!! 

Love to you all!
Erin :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Taking Off Our Masks

As children we often like to play pretend.  Little boys pretend to be cops, superheros, and cowboys.  Little girls dream about being princesses, teachers, and moms.  We loved to play dress up and enter the world of the super hero saving the world in a cape or the princess in the castle who had servants and beautiful shoes.   Somewhere in our childhood though, we grow out of the pretending and instead enter the more realistic adult world. 

But as adults, I don't think we give up all of our childhood ways.  In fact, many of us hold onto several masks.  I have noticed in myself and in a lot of others lately that we are afraid to go out without our masks on.  Our masks are different than our childhood masks.  These masks are often called "I have it all together", "I am not afraid", and "I am beautiful."  (just to name a few)  Many of us have masks that were created from wounds of our earlier lives.  And so each day we go out with our masks on in order to cover up the real us inside.  We would be mortified if someone saw the real us and we are afraid of the rejection we may face if we do.

As singles, I think we are especially guilty of wearing masks.  As we search for Mr. or Mrs. Right we put on our most flashy and brilliant masks.  We do not want to appear too sensitive, too insecure, high maintenance, selfish, or moody.  We have read the articles and books, and we are desiring to be "the woman/man" that he/she is looking for.  "How could anyone really like me if they knew that like this or that....or act this or that way?"  And so we mask up. 

I have noticed times in my life that I struggle with putting on my masks.  And although I am getting better at taking the masks off one by one, I still struggle with keeping my masks on.  I am working to allow the real me to shine through.  I am realizing though that taking off my masks may mean losing a few friends and gaining a few others.  Taking off my masks may mean sticking up for myself and not being a doormat for others to step on.  Taking off my masks though ultimately means taking a good look in the mirror at myself and learning to love the real me as well.  Sometimes, the masks we wear, are not for others, but they are for us.  Those masks cover the things we don't like about ourselves.  By taking off those masks we have to deal with those "ugly" parts. 

Part of my conquest in embracing the single life is embracing me for me.  Learning to see the beauty in God's creation that is me.  It's scary and it's hard...but I believe in the end, I will be happier living my life mask free.  I am learning to love the real me, and not to hide that me for others to see.  And as far as Mr. Right goes...I figure, it makes more sense to me that I allow Mr. Right to fall in love with the Real Me rather than the fake me, because eventually the real me is going to shine through and I want him to love me for me. 

I will end this post by quoting the musician JJ Heller's song "What Love Really Means"

"Who will love me for me
Not for what I have done or what I will become
Who will love me for me
‘Cause nobody has shown me what love
What love really means"

Going Beady!

I wrote a few weeks ago that I had been given the opportunity to go to World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain next year.  I also may have mentioned that it's going to cause me quite a pretty penny and so I had to start thinking of ways to supplement my humble Catholic school teacher salary.  Being a teacher and a tutor is already time consuming, so the thought of another job was overwhelming me and so I had to allow my often underused right side of my brain to think.  (I am normally a total math brain...)  I remembered that my mom made these beaded serving pieces a few years back and I absolutely loved them.  I decided that maybe (much to my crafty mother's delight) to give my hand at beading spoons and other serving pieces.  And guess what??  This left brained math teacher actually loves it!!  And...I have already had several orders since I have begun making this in early August! 

One of my goals as I began this blog and this new single life was to experience new things.  I didn't see this one coming, but I am realizing that I really enjoy creating these pieces.  There is much enjoyment for me to search out the pieces, choose the colors, create the unique designs of each, and then to admire their beauty when I am all done.  Creating these serving pieces has brought a little bit of joy to my days and nights.  I love working on them while I am watching TV at night or over a cup of coffee with my sister-in-law who has joined in my creations.  Who would've thought?  My poor mother has tried for years to get me involved in crafting with her, and I never really got excited about it, but now I am realizing that I really do enjoy it.  These sparkling little pieces have brought a new satisfaction to my life. 

And so I am inspired to continue to try new things that come into my life.  It's amazing the simple joys that are waiting out there to bring a little sunshine into our lives.  I am looking forward to encountering these rays of sunshine more often!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Close to His Heart

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states :  (1658) We must also remember the great number of single persons who, because of the particular circumstances in which they have to live - often not of their choosing - are especially close to Jesus' heart and therefore deserve the special affection and active solicitude of the Church, especially of pastors. Many remain without a human family often due to conditions of poverty. Some live their situation in the spirit of the Beatitudes, serving God and neighbor in exemplary fashion. The doors of homes, the "domestic churches," and of the great family which is the Church must be open to all of them. "No one is without a family in this world: the Church is a home and family for everyone, especially those who 'labor and are heavy laden.'"

Did you catch that? (Hopefully the bold letters helped you...) Single people are especially close to Jesus' heart?  Wow....I think it's amazing that the Bishops of the Catholic Church felt inspired by the Holy Spirit to include that statement in the Catechism.  (For all of you non-Catholics, the Catechism is kind of the "everything you ever wanted to know about being Catholic and how Catholics stand on most issues" book.)  In our current society, being single is often frowned upon.  How many woman's magazines for teens and young adults have titles such as "How to land a man in 30 days," "How to tell if he's into you or not", "Online dating"...and so on, and so forth.  Even within our church being single isn't necessarily looked down upon, but it certainly isn't celebrated.  Each year I take my students down to the local seminary for a Vocations Day.   The seminary puts on a great program and does a great job of talking about a vocation to the priesthood, married live, and religious orders, but besides a slight mention of being a consecrated single, nothing is mentioned about the single life.  But we are special to Jesus....held close to His heart, and yet no one seems to know what to do with us singles....temporary or consecrated... the single life, is a good life....but just don't bring it up! ;)

A friend of mine had recently told a struggling single that the vocation to the single life needed to be celebrated and embraced!  There are roles in this world that we as singles (without attachment to a husband, children, or religious community) are able to fill that others just are not.  There are opportunities we are able to take and positions to fill that married men and women are unable to.  We are able to fully dedicate our lives to the Lord, while priests have to give of themselves unselfishly to the church, just as married couples have to also be dedicated to their families.  I don't mean any insult to these vocations by any means, but I think it's important for us as singles to realize that we too have things to celebrate our livelihood.  (Talk to any mother of 3 young kids who would do anything to get out of the house for the night.)

I think it's time for the church to really celebrate the call that some may have to be single.  For some people that call may be short, and for others that call may be for the rest of their lives here on this planet.  We need to recognize and encourage the singles we know to live fully their life now.  In addition to the blind dates and social engagements...our married friends and church families need to embrace us and help us as we walk this special walk.

I am encouraged today by the initial statement.  It helps me to appreciate that my current state in life isn't a punishment or a waiting room of sorts, but rather this is a time in my life that God has a special plan and purpose for.  He has something for me to live out those go out into the world and bring my joy to others.   And so my purpose is once again revitalized and I know that I am never too far from the heart of God as I live. 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hail Holy Queen

Today in the Catholic church celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and as any good Catholic Parish does we closed the Mass with the famous hymn "Hail Holy Queen"  Now, I may or maynot have shared with all of you my background but two things in my past; 1. A convert from the Assembly of God faith where dancing in the aisles is completely acceptable and 2. A theater/singer enthusist challenged me as the song began.  You see, long before I was a Catholic and realized that this tune was a beautiful hymn to honor our Blessed Virgin Mary, it was first a song made famous in my life by none other than Whoopi Goldberg and the Sister Act cast.  (Perhaps some of my earliest experiences in the Catholic church come from this movie, which may be a good or a bad thing)  Anyways, today like every other time we sing this song I was once again tempted to shake my booty like Kathy Najimy (my doppelganger none the less) and sing my little heart out.  And although I decided to refrain, lest I scare the conservative Catholics, I did leave Mass wearing a smile where there was earlier a mild scowl.

Wanna watch Whoopi?  Click here!

I also was once again reminded that as we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption that not only is Mary, the Mother of the Lord, but she is also my mother.  And in addition to that she is the ultimate example of how I am supposed to live my life.  Although Mary was betrothed to Joseph, she understood how it was to be a single woman who was determined to remain pure and chaste for her Lord.  Imagine the struggles she went through when the people of her town learned that she was pregnant and not yet married?  She was certainly talked about at the well among all the women and scorned possibly by those who loved and knew her.  She could've defended herself or shared her secret, but instead she quietly accepted God's will for her life and remained sinless.  Sometimes, as a single woman I feel judged by those same women at the well.  Yes, of course, the well is different and the venue may be a cell phone or email, but sometimes I wonder what people say about me and other singles.  31 and still not married?  Maybe she's gay (I'm not, I promise) Maybe if she lost a few more pounds. (A never ending battle, right?) She's too picky...wanting to marry a Catholic. She needs to put herself out there more. (At the bar? Or singles club?) 

Perhaps these are conversations I imagine in my head or maybe they really are happening.  But regardless, I am reminded today by this feast day that I have been called to be a woman of God and follow the footsteps of my heavenly mother.  Regardless of my understanding or desires, I am first and foremost a woman of God and I need to live my life that way.

"I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to Thy will...."

Friday, August 13, 2010


A famous someone once wrote, "Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?"  I am sorry to tell you that this is often a reality in my life.  It seems that even with the best of intentions I can never break the habit of procrastinating.  Take today for parents have been telling me they were coming all week, and yet there I was at 8:30am this morning washing sheets and running around...I finished mopping the floors just before they walked in.  The same thing at work...I am always the last teacher to turn my grades in when report cards are up.  I am the queen of procrastination. 

Sometimes as a single person I wish I had someone to help with the household chores.  For example, I HATE doing the dishes...I would die for a dishwasher or a person willing to do the dishes.  I would also love for someone who would be willing to put away the laundry.  I'll wash and fold  it...just put it away for me.  (That way it wouldn't say in a basket for weeks on end...)

Oh well...I guess one of the minuses of being single....:)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Heavenly Helpers

Although lately I have been having more good days than bad days, there still are days that I feel "off."  Today is one of those days.  I am pretty much stuck at home these days due to a lack of a paycheck and need to not waste gas until my first paycheck comes in again on August 30th.  I know some of you are reading this and thinking, "3 days stuck at home and you are whining?"  Well, I supposed it's all relative because for this extrovert sometimes too much time spent at home is not a good thing.  I get my energy from being around others and so living alone can be a struggle from time to time.  BUT that is not why I am writing today.  (Phew, I didn't want to hear me whine) 

Amidst my funk, I was reminded that there are people in heaven on my side ready to intercede for me at anytime.  Those people are of course the saints of heaven.  This is a highly controversial subject in the Christian world....with many Protestants arguing praying to the saints is a form of idolatry.  I, myself, even struggled with this idea when I came into the Church 6 years ago.  The Bible is clear when it speaks of the ramifications of idolatry.  But I soon learned that having the saints pray for you is different than praying to the saints, in the way we pray to God.  When times are hard or you need advice whom do you go to?  You parents (moms especially) and your friends right?  It's the same with asking the saints to pray for you.  Except these saints, and the ultimate saint, Mary, the Mother of God, are in heaven that much closer to God.  They have completed their time here on on earth and they are ready to intercede on our behalves and take those requests to the throne of God.  Now does this mean that we ourselves can't pray directly to God....of course not! But it brings me much relief to know that not only am I going to God with my prayer request, but I have a whole team praying on my behalf.  We see in Jesus's first miracle of turning the water into wine at the Wedding of Cana that He did so at His Mother's request.  She took the need of the wedding party to her Son, where He then supplied a far superior wine than was even requested. Who doesn't want to keep mama happy?

So, today when I was struggling to keep a smile on my face I took a minute to look up the patron saint of single women.  I read about St. Agatha, a woman who lost her life in order to remain pure before God.  I was encouraged by her story.  I found this prayer to her and said it knowing that today I have a special friend praying for me in heaven.  Taking my prayers to the throne of God for me.  And you know what that means?  I am not as alone as I felt.  That's why I love the Saints.  They have "been here, done that" and they know exactly how I am feeling today and so my prayer isn't dull or mindless, rather something that resonates deep within their hearts.

Prayer to St. Agatha
Lord God, you showered heavenly gifts
on the virgin Agatha.

Hear the prayers of those who recall her devoted life
and who ask her to intercede for them in their necessity.

(Mention your intention here...)

Help us to imitate her virtue during our earthly life
and enjoy eternal happiness with her in heaven.


If you would like to read more about St. Agatha, click here.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

World Youth Day

A few months ago, I was talking to a friend about the fact that although I love my job as a Catholic school teacher, despite it's humble pay, I just wish I had more money to travel with.  I have especially been dying to return to Europe after getting a taste of it in both high school (3 weeks in France) and college (a week in Ireland)  My friend, a wise man, told me to ask God to provide a way for me to go.  Well, I did mutter a little prayer that night and every so often I would ask the Lord to provide a way for me to travel back to Europe. But to be totally honest...I didn't really have faith that God would provide me with travel plans to Europe.  Even though I teach my students that the Lord really wants us to come to Him with everything...that there really is no silly prayer request. I mean there are people starving, dying, and in major crisis, I didn't think that my wishes to travel to Europe ranked high on the Lord's to do list. I think my faith didn't trust that the Lord would provide if He saw fit. 

You can see where this is going, can't you?  Well, about a week ago, I received an email from a friend of mine on Facebook asking if I would be interested in going on a pilgrimage to Rome for a week then on to Madrid for the World Youth Day festivities.  Someone had dropped out and they had an extra spot available.  As I read her message I knew I was supposed to go.  I immediately was reminded of my muttered prayers I had offered up earlier in the year.  I met with the organizer of the trip and she said that earlier that day she had saw me on Facebook, a common occurence mind you, and she felt like she should ask me, but assumed that with my involvement in ministry around town had probably had a million invitations.  Little did she know....

So I am going...yes, it's going to cost me almost $4,000 to go and I am not sure just where that money is coming from yet, but I think the Lord is asking me to trust Him in this.  I have begun fundraising and looking at ways to save money already, and something tells me that somehow all the money will be there.  The Lord will provide. 

In the meantime, I am off to brush up on my Italian and Spanish! :)

Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes

This past week I spent time in Michigan's Upper Peninsula and in Northern Wisconsin.  Although I have lived in Michigan my entire life, I have only made it as far as a little past St. Ignace in the U.P.  So, this year as I made the 10 hour car ride with my parents to Mercer, WI (just south of Ironwood, MI) I was captivated by the beauty of the Upper Peninsula.  The beautiful forests, the mighty rivers and bubbling brooks, and not to mention the beautiful Great Lakes all captivated my attention and were quite breathtaking. 
Little Girl's Pointe- near Ironwood, MI

After my "epiphany" of sorts a few months back, one of my resolutions was to get out there and experience the world and so this summer I was able to do just that.  I went to Carmel, Indiana for a conference and loved the up and coming city with it's shopping areas and beautiful homes.  And I also fell in love with the Upper Peninsula for an entirely different reason, but thing is I experienced these two places and loved them despite their differences. 

Sometimes, as singles or perhaps just as people, we get used to our humble surroundings and forget that there is a whole world out there waiting to be explored.  Yes, I know traveling can get expensive and not all of us have the entire summer off to explore the world, but I have experienced that same joy when I go to a little coffee house in the city or walk around the Detroit Institute of Arts.  There is joy to be had when walking around your local park or nature trails.  What I am saying is that we have to be careful not to become so comfortable with our lives, that we miss out on all of the wonderful things that our world has to offer.  The nightly news sure loves to report all the bad in the world, but I think the greater story is all the great and wonderful things out there.

And so my quest continues.  This is going to be a year of experiences for me.  I can't wait to see all the is out there just waiting for me to explore!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pants are Evil?

Yestereday I received an email from the group Catholicity and normally I just send such emails to the trash, but for some reason this one caught my eye.  It's an article trying to persuade women to wear skirts.  Now, I am 100% behind dressing modestly and dressing in a way that makes a woman look beautiful, without looking trashy.Yes, I think a woman in a nice dress or skirt (at least the ones that aren't too short or tight or both) definitely looks beautiful.  They do make some valid points and I think the writer's intentions are good, but I can't help and wonder... Isn't there a happy medium to be had out there?  Are all pants really evil?
For your reading pleasure and discussion. (Please note to my non-Catholic friends, this viewpoint is shared by a small number of Catholics and certainly not the majority.)


Consider the following food for thought, rather than a hard-and-fast directive. Ladies, please, discard your pants. Instead, consider wearing comfortable skirts or dresses whenever possible, which means, in practice, in pretty much every normal daily circumstance. Consider the following:

1.Regardless of your size, shape, or age, the attractiveness of your female figure is virtually always enhanced, while adding to your modesty, when you wear a dress.

2. Do this for us, the minority of chaste men who merit the gift of enjoying your beauty in such a way as to be grateful to your creator without temptation. Make it so it is good for men to look upon you, rather than requiring us to look away (which is a tragedy).

3. The godless, sexed-up, secular fashion industry is out to make money and convince you that vice is virtue. They, and their damned pants, accentuate your flaws. If you think the fashion industry is about beauty, I have two words for you: The Seventies.

4. Sadly, and we understand you may not be aware of this, but almost every style of pants reveals private information about your figure (by way of contour) what only your husband (and if not him, no man, including your sons, if you have sons) should perceive.

5. Thus, even a woman endowed with the most spectacular genetic form, in the bloom of her youth, can be given the illusion of ugliness, if not cheapness, by wearing pants. Likewise, pants rarely do anything but exaggerate extra volume on our figures.

6. While some styles of pants can be attractive, in terms of beauty, pants will never trump a tasteful dress or skirt of similar material, pattern, and quality.

7. Furthermore, we must reject the counter-argument that pants are more comfortable; as a kilt-wearing Scotsman, your author roundly rejects this claim. In the immortal cry of Braveheart, dresses and skirts offer FREEDOM!

8. Of course, we defer and appeal to our male readers to make clear your moral clothing preferences to the women and girls within your realm of responsibility or influence.

9. We understand, ladies, that changing what you wear on a daily basis is a major change. If you forsake pants, it will be a big, big deal. Even financially, as pants are so commonplace that skirt and dress wardrobes may need to be rebuilt.
 10. Yet, ponder this: the biggest impact for upgrading to dresses may be the change in how you view yourself, and perhaps as crucially, in how you are looked upon and treated by men, which profoundly influences how you view yourself and your value.

11. Also, you, as a Catholic lady of dignity, are responsible for avoiding any practice or habit that increases the likelihood of being viewed as an object by men. You are also responsible for presenting the best, most beautiful, most chaste version of yourself to the world.

12. There is a myth that men determine the fashions women wear. In the depraved business sense, this is superficially true in the sense that clothing is often designed to appeal to the lower, if not lustful, appetites of men (and not all lower appetites are strictly lustful). In the day-to-day reality of the suburban lives most of us live, men almost always delegate the purchase of clothing to their wives. Women then make virtually all the fashion choices, mistakenly relying upon the opinions of other women (who know either too little or too much about how fashion choices affect men morally). Good women are always tempted to buy the styles they see other women and young girls wearing; inevitably everyone, men and women, are pulled downward by the undertow of the constantly lowered bar of our sexualized and superficial culture.

13. Do not misunderstand us: we have no problem with men delegating clothing purchases to their wives; we only object to men who abandon the responsibility they have to guide and influence the moral, psychological, and practical implications of clothing that is purchased. Men should set the highest standard for their wives and daughters in this respect.

14. May we suggest (or perhaps you wives and daughters might suggest) that your husbands and fathers take you shopping for the expressed purpose of choosing everyday clothing for you. Men, for your part, be sure your women love the choices you make with them. No woman or girl can deny that there is a superb and wonderful emotional benefit to donning an outfit that was chosen to enhance your beauty by your beloved husband or devoted father. Ladies, when he chooses an outfit for you, you know beyond doubt that in his eyes, you are beautiful in it. As a rule, men abhor shopping, but in our experience, this practice proves the exception if the man is the final arbiter on fashion choices.

We hope we have provided you with food for thought in your discussions with your loved ones. As for men's fashion, we have one word: Jacket.